Yesterday I finished my last session of chemotherapy. If I had more energy I’d cheer! 😀 It’s been a weird time; very dark predictions to begin with back in Spring, then dramatically, in fact unprecedentedly, good ‘half-time’ scan results in Summer: the various places it was (bladder plus lymph glands and a couple of different…
Author: CancerWriter
Cisplatin, gemcitabine
My chemotherapy runs as a set of six three-week cycles. Day 1 is spent in the oncology out-patients ward, hooked up to an IV drip from around 9AM to near 6PM. This starts with anti-sickness drugs and some steroids, then some saline through the IV, and then some big chemo guns: gemcitabine and cisplatin. Finally,…
Harvest time – early or late?
We’re growing for medicine rather than making dime bags for weekend parties, but the THC cannabinoid that produces the so-called ‘psychoative’ effects is an important part of the medical effects – both symptomatic relief and the actual treatment. Because of this it’s a good idea to understand how this medicine is likely to affect you…
Halfway chemo point CT scan
My chemo runs for six three-week cycles, so the halfway point was after nine weeks (3x three weeks). There’s a CT scan at that point, which gives the first real evidence of how well or not the treatment is going. I was very keen to know this, as the initial diagnosis had been, frankly, very…
Planning ahead
So you’ve read Growing Your Own Medicine and you’re keen to get started? Great – but don’t hang about! Cannabis is very fast growing, but even the quickest strains (you can search for quick growing types in any good online seed shop) will take over two months to go from seed to harvest-ready plant. Tip:…
Growing your own medicine
Growing your own cannabis may sound a bit on the extreme side. If you live somewhere where it’s legal to buy marijuana for medical or recreational use, why bother growing it? And if you live somewhere that criminalizes weed, growing it may seem a bit foolhardy. But look at this from another angle: growing it…
Cannabis plant types
If you’re going to grow your own cannabis – which I do recommend if you have the space – you need to be careful what varieties of cannabis seeds you get. First of all there are three main behavioural types: Regular, Feminized, and Autoflowering…
“It’s inoperable.”
Those are not the words you want to hear from a specialist cancer consultant. I knew that in the range of possible outcomes this was one of them, down at the dark end of the list, but it’s a little different hearing the words in real life. ‘Okay, so that’s what I’m dealing with,’ was…