This is a guest post from a friend who has been battling a significant brain tumour and has been taking cannabis oil in addition to his palliative treatments: To be grandiose for just a second, I have some reports back from the frontline in the centuries-old ‘battle’ against cancer. Thought you might find them enlightening,…
Cannabis or opioids? Duh!
Countless numbers of people are prescribed opioids for pain relief. Countless numbers of people’s lives are harmed and even ruined by the subsequent problems that dependence, addiction and withdrawal bring. Cannabis has been shown time and time again, year after year, study after study, to be effectively harmless and not physically addictive. This is in…
Seeds, the starting point
In order to start a plant you have to have a seed. (I’m ignoring cloning plants because you still need to have an established plant before you can try that.) Cannabis seeds are legal to own in most parts of the world, but in many places they are also illegal to germinate. Yeah, I know:…
Deadlines, schmedlines
In May 2018 I was told I had bladder cancer, and as it had spread to numerous other parts of my body, specifically lymph glands, liver and lungs it was terminal and I had two to three years to live. Here’s where things are almost three years later…
The Filter Tower
My cannabis oil is made by drying harvested plants, soaking them in virtually pure (95% or better) ethyl alcohol, filtering all the plant solids out, then cooking off the alcohol. What’s left is highly potent, highly sticky oil. But to get the best oil you have to put in serious time at the filtering stage….
Improving the process
This article is specifically about the Green Oil Machine (GOM) and similar water distillers. These are kinds of ‘air still.’ The GOM is marketed and supported specifically for extracting cannabis oil from buds and leaves, but it’s basically an air still with a built-in thermostat. This is what I currently use for producing my medicine,…
So you've had a cancer diagnosis…
It is an immense shock when you get a cancer diagnosis. I know this very well. Your world is turned upside down, you’re suddenly facing one or more alarming medical processes and procedures, and you will probably feel helpless and hopeless.
Vape cannabis oil safely?
A quick how-to guide for vaping cannabis safely AND discreetly… Some of my friends use cannabis for pain relief. They love using oil for long-lived relief, but they smoke joints occasionally for fast results, especially with ‘breakthrough’ pain. One friend has been on prescription Tramadol tablets and Fentonyl patches for years, for fibromyalgia and arthritis…
Uncharted Territory
I just had another oncology meeting after my latest CT scan. I always like meeting my oncologist; he grins wider and shakes my hand harder each time. What he said to me today was that we’re in “uncharted territory.” He had originally expected by now to be setting up my next level of cancer treatment…
GIY Self-sufficiency: how to get started Growing It Yourself
So you want to grow your own medicine? Welcome to the club, and good decision! If you’re going to make yourself some oil it’s best to become self-sufficient with the source material: cannabis. It doesn’t matter what it’s for – pain management, buffering yourself against the ravages of chemotherapy or fighting cancer itself, or helping…