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I’m a cancer patient. I was diagnosed with bladder cancer that had metastasized to lymph glands, liver and lungs, which closed off most options.

What that means is it was declared terminal, and I was given 2 to 3 years. That was in late Spring 2018.

I’ve been going through chemotherapy – and I’ve also been researching and trying medicinal cannabis both for symptomatic relief of chemo symptoms and as a possible weapon in the fight against the cancer itself.

The results of this are extremely interesting and promising. I’m going to document the things I find out during this process as well as how it’s working for me, different techniques for preparing and dosing with medicinal cannabis, and some of the science behind this. I hope some of you find it helpful, and if this proves to be an effective tool against cancer I hope I can help push back against the weight of societal ignorance and prejudice.

UPDATE December 2020: for the avoidance of doubt, I’ll make this as clear as I can. Cannabis oil saved my life. Chemo helped push it back and slow it down, but it was never expected to do anything more, let alone entirely eradicate it from my body as every scan since late 2018 has shown. Nothing is certain and there are no real ‘magic bullets’ in this life… but thanks to cannabis oil I’m not dead or in a hospice, I’m fit, healthy and active.

If you’re interested in my cancer story then maybe start at the beginning for the medical details and keep watching for updates

Looking for practical technical how-to advice on medical cannabis production, preparation and treatment? Try the Instructions category

Want further reading? Here’s my research list and links to useful web sites

Do you have any questions? Please feel free to ask, I’ll do my best to help. Just leave a comment below or in any of the posts in this site, I’ll get back to you.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Linda says:

    I’ve just discovered your story while researching navel administration method, which intrigues me.
    What about trying fenbendazole? I am following and reading so much success with this drug (not clinically tested on humans in trials previously, however, now an increased interest, directly as a result of Joe Tippen’s cancer story).
    Good luck in your battle.
    Best wishes!!

    1. CancerWriter says:

      I’m not convinced about the efficaciousness of fenbendazole for cancer treatment. It’s designed as a treatment for parasites, and there is a danger that overuse will accelerate the rise of resistant parasites. This is a known problem with this class of drug. It MAY help with cancer treatment, but I don’t understand the mechanism that would achieve that. I’d like to see the kind of evidence that’s emerging for medical cannabis… we’re not there yet.

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