I just had another oncology meeting after my latest CT scan. I always like meeting my oncologist; he grins wider and shakes my hand harder each time. What he said to me today was that we’re in “uncharted territory.” He had originally expected by now to be setting up my next level of cancer treatment in an eventual losing battle, but instead there is still no sign of disease. He is thoroughly delighted!
Literally nothing sinister shows on the scans, as has been the case since last summer. Sure, there could be tiny groups of rogue cells in there somewhere but not enough to be seen. He expected last summer’s chemotherapy to make the cancer retreat, but he never thought it would become and stay actually undetectable both in the original site (bladder) and where it had metastasised (lymph, liver and lungs).
16 months ago my consultant said “We cannot cure you” (bam!) and gave me 2-3 years to live (double-bam!). He did say there was a very slim chance that my cancer would be unusually sensitive to platinum and shrink a lot from the chemo, maybe giving me some more time, but that’s all. Today he used the word ‘unprecedented’ and said that while nothing is certain we could be having these meetings for years to come.
Not bad. Not bad at all.
There are two things that I think have contributed to this. Chemotherapy is one; the carefully calibrated systemic poisoning of my body in order to beat back the rogue cancer cells from the various places it has colonized. The second of course is cannabis oil. (I’ve also started making fresh fruit smoothies every morning and have been taking vitamin supplements, but those are for general health rather than anything specifically targeted.)
I know the effectiveness of cannabis oil in fighting cancer is still a subject of great debate and that far more studies are required, but that is the ONE ‘extra’ thing that I’ve done, and my consultant is declaring my response unprecedented. Literally, actually beyond his substantial experience.
I have been trying different plant strains throughout this time, all of them with medium to high levels of THC. I’ve grown a couple with relatively high CDB levels as well, but – assuming the oil is playing an active part here (and the evidence points strongly at that) – THC is an important, probably vital, part.
Hi, my father in law has cancer that is in his liver and he has had surgery and chemo, they told him it is incurable. i was just hoping you may be able to give me more of an idea what your dosing has been to cure your cancer.
Thanks so much for your time!!
Hi Holly,
My dosing regime is pretty straightforward: take as much cannabis oil as I can comfortably tolerate, every evening. I started out using the ‘Mike’s Milk’ method (cooking up cannabis in high-fat milk and having a shot or two each evening). Milk goes off or has to be frozen in cubes, so I moved on to extracting the oil and mixing it in a carrier oil (olive oil or similar) to make it easier to manage.
Yes, I get a buzz. No, it’s not a problem (or addictive). The idea is to have cannabinoids in the system as much as possible. This can help the body’s ‘cell communication and management system’ (I’m simplifying massively) to function better. For me, it does seem to have done amazing things; I was terminal, now I’m not, or at least my consultants say we could be meeting for many years to come. There are other stories like mine and a growing body of proper research to support this too. It’s no sure thing – I wish I could say it was! But it is definitely worth trying – both for the possible prognosis change or delay and for minimizing pain and the effects of other treatment.
If your father-in-law does try this I really strongly encourage him to be consistent: do it EVERY day if possible. Full dose in the evening (he’ll find things very funny then sleep like a log) and consider microdosing two or three times in the day, just small amounts such as 1/4 or less of what he finds he can handle in the evening.
Any questions, please feel free to ask!
I have read that the ratio of CBD to THC is important in breast cancer metastases. However, I have not found any articles stating that 1:1 or 1:2 or 1:3 or 1:4 is the best dose. Have you seen any research on this? I wrote a doctor in California and one in Spain who have done research but their articles do not state what ratio is best. Until I receive my certificate in Virginia to buy THC, I bought CBD with lemon balm, chamomile and vitamin D3 at 15mg to help me sleep. Again, I do not know if 15 or 20 or 35 mg is best. Any comments would be appreciated.
Hi Caroline, sorry I didn’t see this until now! I don’t have any specific data about the CBD to THC ratio for breast cancer. I have read that hormone-dependent breast cancer responds better to a different balance, but I’ll need to go find the research behind that.
As for the amount to have each day, my approach has been to find out how much I can comfortably tolerate and take that much. As I built up a tolerance I was able to increase my dose, and I simply judged this by how I felt two or three hours after taking a certain number of drops of oil. After a few weeks of taking it daily I was comfortable with around three times the amount that was my maximum at the beginning!
I find it is VERY helpful to have the pure extracted oil (the FECO) blended with a carrier oil at around one part FECO to five parts carrier oil. I prefer MCT oil but a good olive or hemp oil is fine. That makes it easy to dose out on a teaspoon using a regular dropper. Working with undiluted FECO is extremely difficult by comparison, and the difference of half a rice grain size blob can make the difference between being reasonably functional and lying glassy-eyed on the couch. 😉