Frisian Duck: discreet appearance

If you’re going to grow your own medicine and you’re not in a State or country where doing this is legal you’re probably wondering how you can do this discreetly. Grow tents can be useful, but they’re fiddly, and not everyone has an attic, garage or outbuilding (or spare room) with space for one.

The cannabis plant is pretty recognizable. The leaves are symbols that scream out their identity, so regular plants are not good to sow in your front or back yard if they’re overlooked. But there is a variety that looks quite different for almost all of its life…

Frisian Duck is a relatively new strain of cannabis, developed from one called Duckfoot that’s generally considered to be a little unstable (so not entirely predictable to grow), crossed with more reliable strains. It’s from the respected Dutch Passion plant breeder company, which makes me feel fairly confident in this. The benefit? The leaves are webbed – they look quite different from the normal ‘fan fingers’ of regular cannabis leaves. The idea is that you can plant them somewhere not entirely private and they’ll be overlooked by snoopers.

Okay, the smell can still be an issue. Maybe grow lilies or another smelly flower nearby? Also, when it goes into flower the newest leaves may grow in the traditional shape, so the plant’s ‘stealth mode’ isn’t perfect. But it’s still a very interesting option if you have suitable outdoor growing space!

The strain is supposed to be very suitable for outdoor growing even in northern States. It was intended for growing in northern Europe so it should be good most places. So when should you plant this? There’s a simple answer to this no matter where you are in the world: follow the instructions for planting tomatoes. As one regular gardening site suggests:

If you intend to grow tomatoes outdoors, sowing (indoors) eight to ten weeks before your estimated last frost date is ideal. Tomato seed needs to be sown indoors in warm conditions in order to germinate.

As frost dates are estimates it’s best to be cautious; go for no earlier than eight weeks before the last predicted frost date. Start your seeds inside where conditions will be easy to control. Make sure they have enough light, and don’t be tempted to start sooner than is advised for tomatoes. By the time the seedlings are roughly two months old they will be ready to plant out – and they could well be ready a couple of weeks before this! Put them in grow-bags, large pots or directly into the ground. If you use pots or grow bags you can move them around if necessary, although get the largest you can manage.

This variety is nutrient-hungry, so feed it like you would tomatoes and don’t hold back.

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